Be encouraged

As at last Christmas, our car was already giving us some issues; nothing too serious to handle but it was becoming too much for me so, I started praying for another car. My husband loves a particular brand and as for me, I just want a car that can move me to every point without problems especially when I have full company.

January came and we were still moving around with our old car but I had prayed and written it down somewhere. I wrote for my husband, his best brand and a jeep looking car for me. I love tall cars like G-wagon and ‘them’ big cars...

Somehow we got a call about the third week of January and like a dream, it is a car gift; the exact brand and color. I was especially so happy and almost could not believe it. It came exactly the way I asked for it.

In case you are pondering on the reason for my testimony. It is to give hope to someone reading this now. God remains the same, in him there is no shadow of turning; it is unwise to doubt God’s goodness. The good book says” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him”

The things you really desire and for various reasons are still unreachable are so easy for God to do.

There is the after effect of the famous coronavirus on the economy, research has shown us how negative it can be. In fact, so many seminars have happened to help deal with the adverse effects but I also know that though times and seasons change, God don’t change.

He owns the cattle on a ten thousand hills.

Let us concentrate on doing our part because He won’t do for us, what he has empowered us to do ourselves.

Having done that, let’s rely on and trust him completely… He comes through in ways we can’t imagine. He is amazing.

Just in case you haven’t let Him in before now.

God is always standing at the door of your heart, waiting for you to let him in.  If you will today, just say to him in your heart; I acknowledge you as God that makes all the difference; please come in, and do your thing. Amen.

He makes all the difference.
Be encouraged in Him.


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